Won Done Song,好了歌



世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了! 古今将相在何方?荒冢一堆草没了。

世人都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了! 终朝只恨聚无多,及到多时眼闭了。

世人都晓神仙好,只有娇妻忘不了! 君生日日说恩情,君死又随人去了。

世人都晓神仙好,只有儿孙忘不了! 痴心父母古来多,孝顺儿孙谁见了?

霍克思的译文把《好了歌》译成 Won-Done Song,有人戏称“完蛋歌”。Won是“好”,Done合“了”,还押韵,恰似“好了”。

Men all know that salvation should be won,

But with ambition won’t have done, have done.

Where are the famous ones of days gone by?

In grassy graves they lie now, every one.

Men all know that salvation should be won,

But with their riches won’t have done, have done.

Each day they grumble they’ve not made enough.

When they’ve enough, it’s goodnight everyone!

Men all know that salvation should be won,

But with their loving wives they won’t have done.

The darlings every days protest their love,

But once you’ve dead, they’re of with another one.

Men all know that salvation should be won,

But with their children won’t have done, have done.

Yet though of parents fond there is no lack,

Of grateful children saw I ne’er one.


押韵也是很准确的。每节都在重复won’t have done,have done,末尾都押了一个one。将中文诗体翻译成英文诗体,还要工整地通篇押上韵脚,又显得毫不生硬,谁看了不说一句译者功夫了得啊。

每节的前两句都进行了文化转移,每节的后两句又都十分忠实。比如最后一句,孝顺儿孙谁见了,译文处理成 Of grateful children saw I ne’er one,也就是I never saw one of grateful children,我没见过一个感恩的孩子。英语句法的具体性和形合的特性又一次展现无遗了。而it’s goodnight everyone!更是让人忍不住想笑了。

杨宪益和戴乃迭则把《好了歌》译为All Good Things Must End,第一眼看上去大概比Won-Done更好理解了。

All men long to be immortals

Yet to riches and rank each aspires;

The great ones of old, where are they now?

Their graves are a mass of briars.

All men long to be immortals,

Yet silver and gold they prize

And grub for money all their lives

Till death seals up their eyes.

All men long to be immortals

Yet dote on the wives they’ve wed,

Who swear to love their husband evermore

But remarry as soon as he’s dead.

All men long to be immortals

Yet with getting sons won’t have done.

Although fond parents are legion,

Who ever saw a really filial son?

这里的“神仙”译成了immortals。字典里immortal作名词的解释有两种。一种解释是a person who is so famous that they will be remembered for ever,就是名垂千古的那种人物;另一种解释为a god or other being who is believed to live for ever,就是神,永生的存在。


杨、戴的译文似乎更为随意一些。第二节中,Yet silver and gold they prize/ And grub for money all their lives,就把原文的第二句和第三句合并在一起了。但按照原文的形式和内容,前两句和后两句应当是独立的。


《编译曲直》的作者苏福忠是人民文学出版社的编审,他把这两种译文给了两位英国朋友欣赏,结果外国朋友的看法也是挺有启发的。 一位朋友更喜欢杨、戴译本,认为霍克斯的版本太简单了,像只通俗的小曲儿(a popular song),把人生的苦苦挣扎娱乐化了(make a joke out of the sad struggle of human existence)。


另一位朋友说出了非常中肯的话:没有读原文的时候很难说那种翻译更好,但分析一下每种节选译文的得失还是可以的(It’s very hard to say which is the better “translation” when you can’t read the original. However, it is possible to analyse each excerpt in its own right)。

她指出了杨、戴译文中让她“感觉怪怪”的地方:Yet with getting sons won’t have done(只有儿孙忘不了)。她说她读了好几遍才搞懂这句,推测是和“如何继续生养孩子有关”,但是,译成“得到儿子(getting sons)”在她看来意义不大,没有马上表示出“生孩子(begetting sons)”的概念。 这点十分有趣,这位爱尔兰朋友读了好几遍,认为自己已经弄明白了,但其实也未必完全明白。的确,让一个爱尔兰人明白中国文化里对“儿孙”尤其是“儿(son)”的执念,未免有点过于困难。

同样显出中外文化差异的还有最后一句“孝顺儿孙谁见了”。“孝顺”,霍克思用的是grateful,杨、戴则用了filial。grateful比较轻松,温暖; filial则更加正式,更加offspring-related,更强调下一代对上一代的责任和感情。而“儿孙”的译文就更明显了,霍克思直接用的是children,杨、戴还是用了son,而且是单数。




which is possibly closer to the original Chinese text? Which translation could be freer and which more literal? Which English text reads better or sounds better to the native ear? Which English version is the earlier translation?

哪种译文可能更接近中文原文? 哪种翻译可能发挥得更多,哪种翻译可能更拘谨? 哪种英文读起来更好些,或者哪种英文在讲英语的人听来更顺耳些? 哪个英文是早期的译本?

这些问题在讨论汉译英时感觉还是很有用的。 是为记。